The variable and tokens used in Deployment Solution and inserted in SQL scripts?
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The variable and tokens used in Deployment Solution and inserted in SQL scripts?


Article ID: 179652


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Deployment Solution


What are the tokens and variables used in Deployment Solution and automation?


Deployment Solution 8.x



System Tokens

An Altiris system token is a type of variable that can be replaced with unique data from the Deployment database. Each computer being managed can have its own unique value for each token. For example, the %COMPNAME% token stores the NetBios computer name while the %DOMAIN% token stores the Microsoft Domain or Workgroup a computer belongs to.

Depending on the individual computer, there may not be a value stored in the Deployment database for every possible token. The names for the Altiris system tokens are case sensitive and must have a percent sign at the beginning and end of the token name. The following table list the currently available system tokens:

These are variable tokens that can be inserted in scripts or answer files to extract information from the Deployment Database: 

Token                                        Description

%ASSETTAG%                          Asset tag from SMBIOS.

%BWIPADDR%                         The IP address of the client computer connected to the Deployment Server. This token only works with Bootworks. It is deprecated and it is recommendedthat you use the token %AGENTIPADDR% instead.

%CALLINGJOBNAME%             The name of the job that called this job or the name of this job if not called by another job.

%COMPNAME%                        Actual computer name used by the OS.

%CONTACT%                            Contact name defined in the properties.

%DATE%                                    Date string in the form of mm/dd/yyyy.

%DEPT%                                    Department description defined in the Location properties.

%DOMAIN%                              MS Workgroup or domain name.

%DOMAINOU%                        Domain organization units. For example:<Parent OU>/<OU>

%DSSERVER%                          The NetBios name of the computer where the Deployment Server is installed.

%EMAIL%                                 Email from the Location properties.

%ID%                                        Unique Computer ID Generated by Deployment Server.

%IPNAME%                              Full DNS name of the computer.

%JOBNAME%                          The name of the current job.

%JOBUSER%                           The name of the user logged in to the Deployment console.

%LDAPDOMAINOU%              The LDAP format for AD domains. For example:, dc=com, OU=<Parent OU>, OU=<OU>

%MAILSTOP%                         Mail stop from the Location properties.

%MANUF%                             Computer manufacturer from SMBIOS.

%NAME%                               Complete computer name as displayed in the console.

%NETBIOSDOMAIN%            The NetBios name for the Microsoft Domain.

%NICyIPADDR%                     IP Address for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPADDR% I , second %NIC2IPADDR% ...

%NICyIPDNSx%                      DNS entry x for NIC y. For example: the second NIC fourth DNS entry would be %NIC2IPDNS4%.

%NICyIPGATEWAY%             Default gateway for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPGATEWAY%, second %   NIC2IPGATEWAY% ...

%NICyIPHOST%                     IP HOst for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example, the first NIC would be %NIC1IPHOST%; the second would be %NIC2IPHOST%.

%NICyIPNETMASK%              Netmask for NIC y. For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1IPNETMASK%, second %NIC2IPNETMASK% ...

%NICyIPWINSx%                   WINS entry x for NIC y. For example: the third NIC first WINS entry would be %NIC3IPDNS1%.

%NICyMACADDR%               MAC for NIC y (y = 1-8). For example: the first NIC would be %NIC1MACADDR%, second%NIC2MACADDR% ...

%NODEFULL%                      Complete computer name.

%NODENAME%                    First 8 characters of actual computer name.

%NWCONTEXT%                  NetWare context name.

%NWSERVER%                     NetWare preferred server.

%NWTREE%                         NetWare preferred tree.

%OS%                                   Specific operating system (Win98, Win2K, WinXP).

%OSTYPE%                          Operating system type (Win9x, WinNT, Linux).

%PHONE%                           Phone defined in the Location properties.

%PROCDESC%                     Description of the processor.

%PROCSPEED%                   Processor speed.

%PROCCOUNT%                 The number of processors installed (not the number of processor slots).

%PROD_LIC%                      Product License Key.

%RAMTOTAL%                    Total Random Access Memory.

%SERIALNUM%                   Serial number from SMBIOS.

%SITE%                                Site description defined in the Location properties.

%TIME%                              Time string in the form of hour:minutes.

%USER_NAME%                  User name.

%UUID%                              The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the computer, if supported by hardware.