How does the tickle function work with Task Server?
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How does the tickle function work with Task Server?


Article ID: 180993


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IT Management Suite


How does the tickle function work with Task Server?


The Tickle Server is a subcomponent of Task Server. The Tickle Server component runs only on the SMP Server (Symantec Management Platform or Notification Server) and is responsible for notifying Task Servers of pending tasks for their clients. Task Servers also have the native ability to tickle their registered clients, which is separate from the Tickle Server component on the Notification Server.

The Tickle Server on the Notification Server sends an IP tickle packet to Task Server(s) when any of their registered clients have a job or task to run. Once the tickle packet is received, the Task Server will immediately request the task/job information from the Notification Server for its registered clients and will, in turn, tickle its clients. When the Client Task Agent receives the tickle packet, it will request the task/job information from its registered Task Server. Only after the Client Task Agent receives the task information will the task be executed. Status events for completed tasks are immediately sent back to the registered Task Server upon completion.

In the event that the tickle packets are blocked or otherwise unable to reach the destination, the Client Task Agent will automatically check back to its registered Task Server for any new job information every 5 minutes. This “Task Update Interval” is configurable in the Symantec Management Console by clicking on Settings > Notification Server > Site Server Settings from the menu bar and then navigating to Task Server Settings

Note: Task Server task/job information is not received through the Symantec Management Agent configuration policy but is received directly by the Client Task Agent from its registered Task Server. As such, forcing the Agent to update its configuration policy will not force the Client Task Agent to receive pending task information.

By default, the Tickle Server uses port 50123 for Task Servers and Task Servers use port 50124 to tickle Client Task Agents and can also be adjusted by navigating to the same location as the Update Interval mentioned above.

The following is an example process workflow and assumes the Client Task Agent for ComputerA is registered with RemoteTaskServer1.

  1. A task is assigned to run immediately on ComputerA.
  2. The Tickle Server on the Notification Server sends a tickle packet to notify RemoteTaskServer1 of the pending task.
  3. RemoteTaskServer1 receives the tickle packet and immediately requests the job information from the Notification Server.
  4. RemoteTaskServer1 receives the details regarding the task including the destination - ComputerA.
  5. RemoteTaskServer1 tickles ComputerA to notify it of the pending task.
  6. ComputerA receives the tickle packet and immediately requests the job information from its registered Task Server – RemoteTaskServer1.
  7. ComputerA receives the job information and executes the task.
  8. Upon completion of the task, ComputerA sends a status event back to RemoteTaskServer1.
  9. RemoteTaskServer1 caches the status event and immediately attempts to forward it back to the Notification Server.
  10. The notification Server receives the status event from RemoteTaskServer1 and records the information in the database.