Business Email Scam Analyzer - An Overview
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Business Email Scam Analyzer - An Overview


Article ID: 150510


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The Business Email Scam Analyzer is a component of the Email Anti-Spam service. It provides increased visibility into attacks that are related to Business Email Compromise (BEC). It does so by reporting on an additional spam detection method called “Business Email Scam Analyzer”. The data can be reviewed in both the Dashboard and as part of the Anti-Spam related Summary and Detailed reports.

Do I need to do anything?

The change is seamless. Our current spam detection system will continue to function exactly the same way,  with the addition of a new detection method to our reporting called "Business Email Scam Analyzer".  There is nothing to configure to start benefiting from the added reporting visibility.

How do I run a report?

Detailed, step by step instructions can be obtained by reviewing help articles on reporting in the configuration portal.

About generating reports

How do I add Spam by detection method widget to Dashboard?

By default this is not visible in the dashboard and the widget must be added.

Click edit:

Click change:

Add spam by detection method:

What is Business Email Compromises (BEC)?

BEC scams, also known as "whaling' or "CEO fraud", involve crafted emails sent to recipients by fraudsters pretending to be senior executives. These emails leverage social engineering and urgent requests to get employees to carry out large wire transfers or send over sensitive information such as W2 forms. You can find a more detailed overview in the following post on our official blog.

Business Email Compromise - How to Protect your Organization