Understanding the functionality of the Management Agent and its plug-ins.
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Understanding the functionality of the Management Agent and its plug-ins.


Article ID: 150610


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Inventory Solution Deployment Solution Software Management Solution IT Management Suite


Understanding the functionality of the Management Agent and its plug-ins.


ITMS 7.x, 8.x


For more detailed information regarding the Symantec Management Agent and its plug-ins, review our current online documentation:



Below is information to know about the functionality of the Symantec Management Agent and its various plug-in's.

  1. Altiris Application Metering Agent:
    This plug-in is used to monitor the applications that are installed on a client machine using the Application Metering Policy.

  2. Altiris Base Task Handlers and Altiris Client Task Agent:
    The Altiris Base Task Handlers and Altiris Client Task Agent are installed with the Symantec Management Agent. The Altiris Base Task Handler handles tasks at a core level such as getting basic inventory, and receiving the most recent policies while the Altiris Client Task Agent is what handles any tasks for the different plug-in's.

  3. Altiris Inventory Agent:
    This plug-in is used to perform a full and delta scan of the hardware inventory and software applications inventory of the computers.

  4. Altiris Software Update Agent:
    This plug-in will install the Windows System Assessment Scan package which performs the full computer scan and reports the necessary installed and missing patches to the Altiris Server.

  5. Deployment Solution Plug-in:
    The Deployment Plug-in is installed on the client computers on which you want to execute deployment tasks. This plug-in lets you create and deploy disk images, perform remote operating system (OS) installation, change system settings, and migrate the personality settings. Also refer KB 180278 "What Agent Plug-ins are needed on the NS, Site Servers, and Clients to use Deployment Solution?". 

  6. Inventory Rule Agent:
    This plug-in provides the functionality of Inventory Rules, Detection and Applicability Checks.
    Refer to the following page for more details: technical-white-paper-inventory-rules-detection-and-applicability-checks

  7. Software Management Framework Agent:
    Manages all the software delivery functions in Software Management Solution. Software deliveries are closely integrated with the software resources in the Software Catalog. The Software Management Framework agent manages the package downloads and other aspects of software delivery. The Software Management Framework agent is installed on the client computers when the Symantec Management Agent is installed.

  8. Software Management solution Agent:
    Software Management Solution Plug-in for Windows helps to provide support for software delivery, software management, and software virtualization on Windows computers.

  9. Symantec Management Agent:
    Refer KB 150837