Determine whether your firewall is blocking LiveUpdate
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Determine whether your firewall is blocking LiveUpdate


Article ID: 151267


Updated On: 10-31-2024


Endpoint Protection Endpoint Security


This document helps you find out whether your firewall prevents LiveUpdate from downloading updates.


Confirm that the correct ports and protocols are available for LiveUpdate

Make sure that the firewall allows the LiveUpdate executable to connect to the Internet through the correct ports and that the firewall allows connections to the correct domains. Read your firewall's documentation or contact the manufacturer to find out how to confirm these settings.

  • LiveUpdate connects over TCP ports 80 (HTTP)  and 443 (HTTPS).
  • The file that connects to the Internet is SepLiveUpdate.exe.
    The default folder for this file, (32bit) is, C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection or (64bit) C:\Program Files)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection  
  • LiveUpdate connects via HTTPS to the domains:,
  • If a connection fails, LiveUpdate tries to connect to one of the other listed domains. The listed domains may change because of server maintenance.

    Note: Symantec does not supply IP addresses for Symantec LiveUpdate servers. Because the servers are not static, routing directly to an IP address may cause LiveUpdate to fail.

Download a file to troubleshoot possible corruption

  1. Download the current file from the Symantec LiveUpdate Web site.
    Windows : 
    Linux cmdlet : wget 
    If you cannot download this file, confirm that your firewall does not block this site. LiveUpdate cannot download updates until you fix this problem.

  2. Open the file.
    • If a firewall modified the file, an administrative alert may be visible in plain text or the file may be empty.
    • If the file is unreadable, open the file with a zip utility.
  3. Confirm that the archive contains the following files:
    • Liveupdt.sig
    • Liveupdt.tri
    • Liveupdt.grd

If any of these files are not present, the archive is corrupted or is not the correct file.
If all of these files exist, the file is not corrupted, and a firewall did not modify the archive.