Email scanning order in Email
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Email scanning order in Email


Article ID: 161438


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This article explains the order in which Symantec Email scans inbound email.


Email traffic entering the infrastructure is checked and scanned in the following order:

Connection Management 01. SMTP Heuristics
02. Address Validation/Registration
03. AntiSpam Approved Senders
04. AntiSpam Blocked Senders
Connection Management /
05. SPF
Anti-spam 07. AntiSpam Public DNS block lists (PBL)
08. AntiSpam Signaturing System
Anti-malware 09. AntiVirus Skeptic
10. AntiVirus Signaturing
11. Cynic Sandbox *
Anti-Spam 12. Skeptic Heuristics
13. Newsletters Scanning
Image Control 14. Image Control
EIC 15. Email Impersonation Control
Data Protection 16. Data Protection
IOC 17. IOC Blacklist *
Scan-time Protection 18. Scan-time Protection
Click-time 19. URL Rewriting *
Isolation 20. URL Isolation *
21. Attachment Isolation *


Note: The AntiSpam scanning order will be most effective when enabled according to the AntiSpam best practice settings. When not following best practices, weaker actions such as ''Log Only' will mean that any scanner further down the order will potentially be triggered and their action taken. This is to ensure your protection from harmful or malicious phishing emails.

Stronger actions chosen in the setting configuration for these services like block and delete, redirect, or quarantine will stop scans that are later in the scanning order from happening because the email has already been prevented from delivering to the original recipient. For example, an Anti-Malware conviction will either block or quarantine an email. So data protection scans which are later in the scanning order will not be applied to the anti-malware actioned email.

* requires ETDR (ETDR stands for Email Threat Detection and Response, previously known as ATP Advanced Threat Protection.)