Adding a Credential to a User via the VIP Manager
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Adding a Credential to a User via the VIP Manager


Article ID: 164470


Updated On:


VIP Service


 Organizations have the ability to add Credentials to Users directly via VIP Manager. 


VIP manager


  1. Log into the VIP Manager, select the Users option and then type the User ID in the search box.

  2. The user will have No VIP, SMS or Voice credential associated with their User ID.  This will be displayed under the field marked "User State".

  3. Click on the Edit Details option for the user ID.

  4. Click on the Add option to add the credential to the User ID

  5. Select the Credential Type using the drop down box.  Note: User IDs can have multiple Credential Types associated with them.

  6. Type in the Credential ID and a Name the credential can be referenced with.  Cick on the Save option to update the User ID with the new Credential ID.

  7. Once the Credential ID has been added to the User ID the details, Credential Type and State will be displayed for the User ID.