VIP Access for Mobile application data usage
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VIP Access for Mobile application data usage


Article ID: 164582


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VIP Service


Does the VIP Access for Mobile app require internet connectivity, and does it use data after installation?


Internet access is required to activate the VIP Access credential on your mobile device. After the VIP credential is provisioned on your mobile device, no Internet connectivity is required for standard operation.

Internet connectivity is required if you use the following features:

  • VIP Access Push: For Push authentication, VIP Access needs an Internet connection to enable Push notification and for receiving ‘Sign In’ details for user approval.
  • Sync VIP Access: When VIP credential needs to synchronize local time with VIP services (due to time zone or time change).

Data usage statistics can be found in the following table:

More about using Data


Average Data Used

VIP Access activation

40 KB

VIP Access activation along with Push enabled

60 KB

Sync VIP Access

10 KB

Disable Push

10 KB

Enable Push

10 KB

Complete Push transaction (Receive and Approve Push notification)

30 KB

Additional Information

External KB link: