Redirect users to Symantec Site Review when accessed URL is categorized as "none" or "uncategorized"?
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Redirect users to Symantec Site Review when accessed URL is categorized as "none" or "uncategorized"?


Article ID: 166153


Updated On:


Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


In deployments that deny users from accessing sites without a category rating, (sites categorized as "none" or "uncategorized") I want to allow users to easily submit site category suggestions, as appropriate.


This can be done with a redirect rule in either the VPM or CPL to the Symantec Site Review website.

The below is where the VPM looks like:

Applying "Layer Guard" on your Web Access Layer will allow you to specifically evaluate this layer Only if all that *match* (any of the available category) in the BCWF database. This bypasses the web filter layer if the access URL is not rated.

  • The "All Rated URL" object setting is to *Negate* the "Unrated URL" object
  • The Unrated URL object is created by selecting System > "none", "pending", "unavailable", "unlicensed", in a new request URL object as pictured below.
  •  After the Layer Guard has been set up and Installed, input the below CPL into "Local Policy" or "CPL Layer" (either of this will also work).

     url.category=("none","pending","unavailable") action.ReturnRedirect1(yes) 

define action ReturnRedirect1
 redirect(307, "(.*)", "$(1)" );

This CPL rule will redirect the user request to the page that will submit "Site Review" to BCWF (Bluecoat Web Filter) team.


NOTE: This workaround is based on the sample policy, but the concept can be used in any forward proxy configuration where policy uses Blue Coat Web Filtering to control access.  

