Installing a Mac user profile
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Installing a Mac user profile


Article ID: 169674


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Software Management Solution


When trying to push a profile to a user account on a Macintosh computer, using a Software Delivery task or Managed Delivery policy, the push fails with an error:

The operation couldn't be completed. (InternalError error 1.)


ITMS 7.5 - 8.x (all versions)

Mac OSX/ MacOS (all versions)



To successfully deploy a profile to a user account, the following workaround can be followed:

  1. Create the Software Catalog entry as usual, if not already done, containing a package with the mobileconfig policy file.
  2. Create a command line to install the profile, replacing the PROFILETEST.mobileconfig name with the profile name:
    su -l "$(id -F $(/opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/lib/helpers/logins-list -current-uid))" -c "/usr/bin/profiles -v -I -F $PWD/PROFILETEST.mobileconfig" >> /tmp/logs.txt 2>&1
  3. Create the Managed Delivery policy or Software Delivery task, set to run as the Symantec Agent admin account, only to run when a user is logged in.
  4. Push the policy or task to the Mac client computer.

The command line includes logging, ">> /tmp/logs.txt 2>&1" which can be removed if logging is undesired.