Default SSL session cache size of ProxySG, ASG and SWG VA
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Default SSL session cache size of ProxySG, ASG and SWG VA


Article ID: 169903


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Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


Determine the default SSL session cache size for each ProxySG, ASG or SWG VA appliance. After increasing SSL session cache by following TECH247135 you want to revert to original SSL session cache.


Default SSL session cache size depends on total available RAM on the appliance. For ProxySG Appliances with 

RAM Size 4GB 6GB 8GB 12GB 16GB 24GB 32GB 40GB 64GB 128GB
Session Cache 12,231 20,844 20,949 31,434 41,847 41,894 55,875 69,903 111,799 223,647








1. SWG VA V100 with 4GB RAM 5,369 
2. SWG VA V100 with 8GB RAM 8,113
3. SG9000-5 - Only supports 4GB RAM - and session cache size is 6,989
4. SGOS 6.7.1.x / 6.7.2.x / 6.7.3.x for most devices session cache size is used as half of the size mentioned above to reduce overall memory usage. This will be reverted back again on 6.7.4.x and later versions.

For Advanced Secured Gateway(ASG) Appliances total amount of RAM is being shared between Proxy and CAS. SSL session cache default size is determined based on how much is allocated for Proxy.

Total installed RAM on ASG appliance can be found under https://x.x.x.x:8082/sysinfo --> under section /Diagnostics/Hardware/Info

To view how much is allocated or proxy Navigate to web UI of ASG --> proxy --> Maintenance --> Systems and Disks --> Summary --> Memory installed 

For example  ASG-S400-20 has total 24GB memory installed. For proxy 16GB is allocated. Hence SSL session cache default size would be 41,894