Can CloudSOC (CASB) publish a list of SaaS sites to be blocked at the proxy or firewall?
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Can CloudSOC (CASB) publish a list of SaaS sites to be blocked at the proxy or firewall?


Article ID: 172346


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Security Premium CASB Security Advanced CASB Audit CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Securlet SAAS With DLP-CDS


Can CloudSOC (CASB) publish a list of SaaS services to be blocked in a firewall or proxy?


CloudSOC (CASB) Audit can report discovered IP's and URL of domains of interest (DOI) used by an App.

This data can be copied to the clipboard from the "Find and Compare Services" feature in Audit.

The DOI can then be imported and blocked at the firewall or proxy. 

A CloudSOC (CASB) Access Enforcement Policy can block access to groups of people, but blocking at the firewall or proxy may be more appropriate for an entire site.