Command line syntax for silent installation, upgrade and removal of Symantec Critical System Protection (SCSP 5.2.x Only) agent
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Command line syntax for silent installation, upgrade and removal of Symantec Critical System Protection (SCSP 5.2.x Only) agent


Article ID: 151812


Updated On: 03-03-2016


Critical System Protection


You need to know the command line switches to use to silently install, upgrade or remove Symantec Critical System Protection agent on a Windows computer.


Silent install
Use the following command to perform a silent installation:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn MANAGEMENT_SERVER= SSL_CERT_FILE=  /Lv*+! C:\SISAgentSetup.log"

Where is the name or the IP address of your management server, is the SSL certificate file that the manager generated, and are any of the parameters from the following list:

Parameter Explanation
INSTALLDIR Specify the Installation directory for the agent. The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Symantec\Critical System Protection
REBOOT Restarts the computer when the installation completes.
NOTIFICATION_ENABLE Enables notification.
NOTIFICATON_PORT Specify the port on which to send notification.
AGENT_PORT Specify the port for the agent.
POLLING_INTERVAL Specify the polling interval.
AGENT_GROUP Specify the group for the agent to join.

Silent upgrade
Use the following command to perform a silent upgrade:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vamus /Lv*+! C:\SISAgentSetup.log"

Silent removal
The following command removes the agent:
msiexec.exe /X{3D24482F-98BD-48DD-AA62-8B24BFDE7329} /qn REMOVE=ALL /Lv*+! C:\SISAgentSetup.log

For platforms other than Windows, you can run the installation binary file with the argument, "-help" to get documentation for the command line arguments.