The Altiris service stops and will not restart with the error message "Root Element is missing".
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The Altiris service stops and will not restart with the error message "Root Element is missing".


Article ID: 152625


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IT Management Suite


The Altiris service stops and will not restart with the error message "Root Element is missing".

This error is found in the windows event viewer under the application log: The AeXSvc process terminated due to an unhandled exception. Details: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.


CoreSettings.config file is either empty or has become corrupt.


Replace the Coresettings.config file with its backup; if the backup is not corrupted:
1. Stop all Altiris Services.
2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server and open the CoreSettings.config file in a notepad.
3. Check to see if the file is empty or have high ASCII characters scattered through the file. If either is true do the following:
  a. Open the CoreSettings.config.backup file and verify that it is not corrupt.
       b. Rename the original CoreSettings.config file to CoreSettings.config.old
       c. Rename the CoreSettings.config.backup file to CoreSettings.config
4. Close any files that are still open
5. Try to start the Altiris Services.
6. Reattempt to started Solution application again within the management platform.