How do I reset my VIP Enterprise Gateway Configuration Console password when password is unknown?
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How do I reset my VIP Enterprise Gateway Configuration Console password when password is unknown?


Article ID: 164451


Updated On:


VIP Service


The VIP Enterprise Gateway Configuration Console password has been forgotten or lost. How do we login back?


VIP Enterprise Gateway


If the password is known, the steps in 156541 can be used.

If the password is not known, the VIP administrator can open a case with VIP Technical Support and provide the file located in <VIP_Enterprise_Gateway_Install>/conf/ directory. This file contains the local EG console username and encrypted password. Stop the VIP Enterprise Gateway service and close the browser before making any changes, then restart the service when done. 

Note: If the VIP Administrator is no longer with your organization, please refer to this document. Only a designated contact can authorize account changes.