Procedure to perform software upgrade on PacketShaper S-Series
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Procedure to perform software upgrade on PacketShaper S-Series


Article ID: 166457


Updated On:


PacketShaper S-Series


Software upgrade of PacketShaper S-Series


  1. Download the image file from the Support Portal as discussed in the following article (confirm the model and needed version):
  2. Upload the image file to PacketShaper 9.258/image/ directory.
  3. SSH or console connect to the PacketShaper CLI.
  4. Change directory to 9.258/ and then go to the image directory.
  5. Perform "ls" and make sure the new software image file is listed.
  6. Issue command:
    • setup image add file://ps_11_1_xx-aetg-142309.bcsi 
  7. Issue command and ensure that ps_11_1_xx-aetg-142309.bcsi is marked as active with (A) beside the image build number.
    • setup image show
  8. Perform a reboot of PacketShaper with this command:
    • reset
  9. Next, perform me reset to load the new measurement variables for this latest PacketShaper S-Series image.

The PacketShaper should boot up with the new software image and with new measurement variables.