Can I add custom fields or Attributes to items being imported from Active Directory?
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Can I add custom fields or Attributes to items being imported from Active Directory?


Article ID: 180852


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IT Management Suite


Can I change or add custom fields/Attributes to be imported through the Microsoft Active Directory connector?


In each AD Import Rule for Users and Computers, there is a section called Column Mappings. The Column Mappings can be changed to import data that is not currently being imported. 

If none of the Column Mappings make sense for the current options, a new data class can be created and added to the resource being imported (Computer or User Resource types) using the steps below (this requires Asset Control Solution):

  1. Create a new User Defined data class with the attributes desired for the data to be imported. For example:
    A) Create a custom data class to hold the desired data:
    a. In the Symantec Management Platform Console, click on the Settings button > All Settings.
    b. Click on Service and Asset Management > Resource and Data Class Settings > Data Classes. Create a Custom Folder for your custom data classes.
    c. Right click on the "Custom Data Classes" folder and choose New > Editable Data Class.
    d. Enter a value for the Name field, such as "MyCustomADField".
    e. Leave the Multiple Rows field un-checked and disabled (unless your field/attribute is Multi-Valued). 
    f. Click on the "Add new attribute" button under "Data Class Schema" section.
    g. Enter a value for the Name field, such as "MyADField" or whatever you called it in AD.
    h. Leave all the other fields as defaults, unless this is to be a required field, then click to select Required.
    i. Click on the OK button.
    j. Click on the "Save changes" button.
    B) Add the new custom dataclass to the desired resource type:
    a. While still in in the Symantec Management Platform Console from Step A above, and in All Settings, click on Service and Asset Management > Resource and Data Class Settings > Resource Types, find and select the desired resource type. For example, we will use "Computer" resource Type under Asset Types > IT
    b. Click on the "Add data classes" button under the "Data Classes" section.
    c. In the Items Selector window, click on Data Classes > Custom Data Classes (or whatever folder you created) > "MyCustomADField" Data Class, the name given to the custom data class in Step A, and use ">" to move it to "Selected items" section. 
    d. Click on OK button.
    e. Click on the "Save changes" button for the resource.

    For Users Resource Type:
        a. Under the Symantec Management Platform Console, go to All Settings, click on Service and Asset Management > Resource and Data Class Settings > Resource Types > Organizational Types > User
       b. Under the Resource Type Edit Page for Computers, click on 'Add Data Classes' and select the data class that you created on Step A and Apply.
  2. Edit the Default Column Mappings for the AD Import Rule so that the desired field is being mapped to the new data class.
  3. After the AD Import Rule is done, find one of the imported Resources and open the Resource Manager for it and under the Inventory Tab>User Defined, you should be able to see the new data class with the imported information from AD.

Additional Information

184225 "Unable to add custom dataclass to AD Import Default Column Mappings: they are not listed for selection"