AeXConfig.exe Command Line Options
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AeXConfig.exe Command Line Options


Article ID: 180903


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IT Management Suite




AeXConfig.exe can reconfigure individual solutions or the entire Symantec Management Platform database. The executable file can be found on the NS\SMP server at C:\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\Bin\AeXConfig.exe.

The command switchs/options for AexConfig.exe are revealed by running "AeXConfig.exe /?" in a command prompt:

Usage: AeXConfig.exe
[/svcid user:<user name> password:<password>]  Sets the Application Identity
[/db dbserver:<server name> dbname:<database name> dbusername:<db user name> dbpassword:<db user password> dbtimeout:<db timeout>]  Database credentials
[/configure <Path to product installation xml file>]  Configure the database side of a product install
[/unconfigure <Product installation GUID> [/deleteitems] ]  Remove products database objects
[/installlicense <Path to license file>]  Installs licenses
[/validate <ProductInstallationConfigFile>]  Validate a product install
[/launchinstallwizard]  Opens http://localhost/Altiris/NS/Install/NSSetup.aspx
[/aup product:<product guid> date:<yyyy-MM-dd (UTC)>]  Update AUP