How to manually add a SQL Server assets in CCS
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How to manually add a SQL Server assets in CCS


Article ID: 181435


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Database Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


 In the CCS console, you would like to manually add a new SQL asset using the 'Add Asset' functionality.


CCS 12.5.x

CCS 12.6.x


To manually add a SQL Server asset, in the CCS Console go to the following panel: Asset System => Assets, then select the 'Asset Tasks' dropdown menu and select 'Add Assets'.  In the Add Assets window, you specify where you want the SQL asset to be located once it is created in the Location parameter, and for the Asset Type select 'SQL Server'.  In the 'Add an asset or import multiple assets' box select Add Assets and from the dropdown menu select the version of the SQL server you are adding. (The SQL version in the example below is SQL Server 2019)

Click Next to continue. 

You will now see the following required parameters: Domain/Workgroup Name*, Server Name (Instance)* and Host Name (Node)*

NOTE: The information below explains how to populate the fields when adding an SQL server type asset with the default instance or a named instance.  If the SQL asset in question is not within a domain hence still in a workgroup, you would use WORKGROUP instead of the (NetBIOS) domain name.


Adding a SQL Server asset with the default instance:

Domain/Workgroup Name: Domain name or WORKGROUP
Server Name (instance): Server hostname.
Hostname(Node): Server hostname

Example of a server named 'hostname' in the EXAMPLE domain that has a default instance:

Adding a SQL Server asset with a named instance:

Domain/Workgroup Name: Domain name or WORKGROUP
Server Name (instance): Server hostname\SQL_named_instance.
Hostname(Node): Server hostname

Example of a server name 'hostname' in the EXAMPLE domain that has the SQL named instance 'instance' :

Click Finish to create the asset(s).


Now that the SQL assets have been created, you will now need to run an Import Asset job using Network for CCS to go out and query those new assets and populate the remaining fields of the SQL assets.