Altiris Agent push installation common problems
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Altiris Agent push installation common problems


Article ID: 151954


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


What are some of the common problems with installing the Altiris Agent?


Authentication and Security
The most common problem for an Altiris Agent push is authentication and security. Below is a list of items that can hinder the complete push and installation of the Altiris Agent.

  • The user account specified in the Altiris Push utility does not have rights to push to the Admin$.
  • The user account specified in the Altiris Push utility does not have rights to install a service (ability to place the Altiris Agent Installer service actively on the computer).
  • Windows XP has Simple File Sharing enabled, which does not provide the rights needed for the first two items above.
  • The Install service posts status messages to Notification Server via the postevent.asp page using anonymous. If the anonymous account does not have rights to this page, the status post will fail.
  • The Event Router takes the posted files from the postevent.asp page and places them in the Evtqfast folder. It uses the anonymous account for this, so anonymous needs to be allowed on the queue folders.
  • If the Installer Service fails to download the AeXNSC.exe file, it will be reflected in the AeXSWDInstSvc.log file. Look for authentication or HTTP request errors.

    Note: There can also be helpful errors in the Installation Status Report. Configuration tab > Altiris Agent > Altiris Agent Rollout, then click the View Installation Status Report button.