Emails sent to Yahoo are rejected with the SMTP error "553 Mail from X.X.X.X 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus XBL"
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Emails sent to Yahoo are rejected with the SMTP error "553 Mail from X.X.X.X 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus XBL"


Article ID: 152468


Updated On:


Mail Security for Domino Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Messaging Gateway


You are unable to send Email to Yahoo mailboxes with your sending mail server reporting the SMTP error "553 Mail from X.X.X.X 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus XBL".

Emails sent through your Symantec Mail Security product cannot be delivered to Yahoo mailboxes, but can be delivered to mailboxes belongong to most other domains.


Yahoo's mail service is rejecting your Email. The external Internet Protocol (IP) Address of your sending mail server appears to be on a Spamhaus Blacklist used by Yahoo's mail service.


Request removal of your IP address from Spamhaus's Blacklist service by going to the URL below:

Further information can be found at the following Yahoo article:

550 5.7.1 [BL23] Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus XBL