-2147467237:Failed to create object Altiris.ClientTaskAgent: The object is not registered or is not present in the policy (-2147467237)]
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-2147467237:Failed to create object Altiris.ClientTaskAgent: The object is not registered or is not present in the policy (-2147467237)]


Article ID: 153144


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


When looking at the Task tab from the Altiris Agent UI the following message appears:

'Agent Not Inititialized'


The Altiris Agent logs show the following error:

-2147467237:Failed to create object Altiris.ClientTaskAgent: The object is not registered or is not present in the policy (-2147467237)]


-2147467237:Failed to create object Altiris.ClientTaskAgent: The object is not registered or is not present in the policy (-2147467237)]


During the Altiris agent install or upgrade the following registry key was not created in the Altiris Agent hive.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Plugin Objects\Agents\ClientTaskAgent]


The quickest way to resolve the issue is to reinstall the Altiris Agent. However, reinstalling the Altiris Agent will cause the other plug-in to be reinstalled as well which can be problematic when it happens on a site server or the ns itself.

If this is the case then proceed with the following steps:

- From a working system export the following registry key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Plugin Objects\Agents\ClientTaskAgent]

- From the affected system stop the Symantec Management Agent from the Windows services and import the exported key

- Modify the value 'Install Path' with the path to where the Client Task Agent.dll is located on the affected system (ie: C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\Client Task Agent\client task agent.dll when the agent is installed on C:\)

- In a command prompt register the dll by running the command:

     regsvr32.exe C:\Program Files\Altiris\\Altiris Agent\Agents\Client Task Agent\client task agent.dll

- Start the Symantec Management Agent from the Windows services

In the Task tab from the Altiris Agent UI, the agent should show up as initialized and connected


Applies To

Notification Server 7

Client Task Agent