Determine the version of PGP Command Line
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Determine the version of PGP Command Line


Article ID: 153410


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PGP Command Line


This article details how to determine version information for PGP Command Line.



PGP Command Line allows you to automate the processes of encrypting/signing, decrypting/verifying, and file wiping; it provides a command-line interface to PGP technology.

Knowing your current version information is essential if you intend to transfer PGP Command Line to another system, upgrade an existing installation, troubleshoot an existing installation, or when requesting technical support.

PGP Command Line requires a valid license to support full functionality. If you use PGP Command Line without entering a license or after your license has expired, only basic functionality will be available. If PGP Command Line is not licensed, you will still be able to get help and version information.

PGP Command Line uses a specific directory for the application data such as the configuration file, and a specific directory (called the home directory) for the files it creates, such as keyring files.

To view your version and license:


  1. From a command prompt, switch to the PGP Command Line directory.
  2. Type pgp --version
  3. Press Enter. The version information for PGP Command Line is displayed.

    PGP Command Line 10.5.1
    PGP Command Line 10.5.1 build 283
    All rights reserved.


Using the -v or --verbose option displays an additional information pertaining to PGP Command Line.
This includes passphrase cache information, time zone information, PGP SDK information, public key algorithms, symmetric ciphers, hashes, and compression.

For Example:

pgp --version -v

Displays version information and the banner message in the format:

C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Command Line>pgp --version -v

PGP Command Line 10.5.1 build 283
Copyright (C) 2011 PGP Corporation
All rights reserved.

License information:
State: Valid

Evaluation: No
Expiration: 155 days
Name: Example User
Email: [email protected]
Organization: Example Corporation
License number: ABC12-34DEF-GHI56-78JKL-ABC
Options: Encrypt/Sign enabled
Options: Decrypt/Verify enabled
Number of CPUs allowed: 1-8

Passphrase cache information:
Cache new passphrases: Disabled
Currently cached passphrases: 0

System information:
Operating system: Win32
Number of CPUs: 4