[12034] Network error occurred, Callback aborted (7), check your network connection settings, check your proxy settings (if applicable), and check to ensure that port 443 (HTTPS) is open through any relevant firewalls
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[12034] Network error occurred, Callback aborted (7), check your network connection settings, check your proxy settings (if applicable), and check to ensure that port 443 (HTTPS) is open through any relevant firewalls


Article ID: 153857


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


conduit_log reports "Callback aborted (7)" error.

You see the following error in conduit_log:

[12034] Network error occurred, Callback aborted (7), check your network connection settings, check your proxy settings (if applicable), and check to ensure that port 443 (HTTPS) is open through any relevant firewalls.


This error can occur when conduit process is stopped during rules download activity.  If you are seeing this error repeated in conduit_log and the antispam rules are not updating, please contact Symantec Technical Support for assistance.