Messages are not delivered with the "550 5.7.1 sender id (pra) not permitted" response from the downstream server
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Messages are not delivered with the "550 5.7.1 sender id (pra) not permitted" response from the downstream server


Article ID: 154549


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


Some messages are being rejected by the destination mail server and a review of the Messaging Gateway (SMG) message audit logs (MAL) indicates that the email messages were rejected with the following SMTP response code:

550 5.7.1 sender id (pra) not permitted


This is usually an indication that the message failed either SPF or SenderID sender authentication and that the sender address in the email From header, otherwise referred to as the Purported Responsible Address (PRA), is not allowed to send from the SMG IP. 

Please confirm that the SMG IP addresses are listed in the DNS SFP or SenderID records as an authorized sender for the message envelope sender or the email domain used in the message's From: header.