SMTP Code: "550 5.7.1 Message rejected due to content restrictions" and delivery fails
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SMTP Code: "550 5.7.1 Message rejected due to content restrictions" and delivery fails


Article ID: 154718


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


Message Audit Log Details shows that delivery has failed. The delivery details show a message in the format:

### #.#.# Response message

550 5.7.1 message rejected due to content restrictions


The Delivery Details show a response from the destination mail server rejecting the message due to some policy or content filtering. 


  • You will need to review the SMTP transactions and/or diagnostic log files from the receiving MTA referenced in the "Attempted Delivery to:" of the Message Audit Log.
  • This message is a delivery response from another MTA that Messaging Gateway is reporting, not a message that is being generated by the Messaging Gateway itself.