SONAR content out of date shows in Security Status Details
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SONAR content out of date shows in Security Status Details


Article ID: 154955


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


Most of clients are listed in "SONAR Content Failure" in "Security Status Detail" of SEPM. In my case, the date was 2011-8-30, and the version of SONAR content in most clients was 2011-08-13 Rev.021.

SEPM Console Home page showing Security Status - Attention needed.


The default days of SONAR definitions out of date are 10, but the content of SONAR Heuristic signatures is not updated frequently. For example, the latest version of SONAR Heuristics Engine is 2011-08-13 Rev.021 on 2011-08-30.


Go to SEPM>Home>Security Status>Preference>Security Status>Days after SONAR definitions are considered out-of date> change the default number from 10 to 30.

Applies To

SEPM version 12.1.671.4971