Error "Error occurred attempting to add Linked Server." occurs when trying to use a Windows user account to configure the IT Analytics Symantec Endpoint Protection or ServiceDesk connection
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Error "Error occurred attempting to add Linked Server." occurs when trying to use a Windows user account to configure the IT Analytics Symantec Endpoint Protection or ServiceDesk connection


Article ID: 154975


Updated On:


IT Analytics


When trying to configure the IT Analytics Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) or ServiceDesk connection using a Windows user account, the error "Error occurred attempting to add Linked Server. View the Log for more details." occurs.

Error occurred attempting to add Linked Server. View the Log for more details.

Also, In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio that manages the SEP or ServiceDesk database, logon errors can also be found, such as the following. Note: Logs for the SQL Server can be found by going to Management > SQL Server Logs from the Object Explorer.

Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: an attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only. 
Login failed for user '<Windows or domain user name>'. Reason: Could not find a login name matching the name provided.


A Windows user was attempted to be used for the IT Analytics connection and/or the Microsoft SQL Server may be using Windows Authentication only.

IT Analytics requires SQL authentication via a SQL user to create a linked server object. This in turn requires the Microsoft SQL Server to be using SQL Server and Windows Authentication (mixed) mode for its security. If either is not used, the linked server object is not able to be created, resulting in IT Analytics being unable to complete the connection to the SEP or ServiceDesk database.


Use a SQL user that has Public and SysAdmin permissions for the database username for the IT Analytics SEP or ServiceDesk connection. Also ensure that the Microsoft SQL Server is configured to be using SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode for its security.

Note: The Microsoft SQL Server security type can be found by following these instructions:

  1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the server name in the Object Explorer and then click on Properties.
  2. Click on the Security tab.
  3. The security type is found at the top in the "Server authentication" section.

In addition, SQL Server 2000 is not a supported SQL Server for IT Analytics to use for its SSAS or SSRS, per the User Guide, page 28. Only SQL Server 2005 and 2008 are supported. If SQL Server 2000 is used, a linked server object will not be able to therefore be created successfully.

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Error "Error occurred attempting to add Linked Server" occurs when configuring IT Analytics


Applies To

The Microsoft SQL Server may be using Windows Authentication mode only.