Error "Unable to process cubes. Timeout Period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." occurs when trying to process IT Analytics cubes
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Error "Unable to process cubes. Timeout Period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." occurs when trying to process IT Analytics cubes


Article ID: 155138


Updated On:


IT Analytics


You are unable to process cubes in IT Analytics. You are also unable to process the cubes manually in SQL Management Studio.

When you process the cube manually, the following error appears in SQL Process Progress window: "Timeout Period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."


Server Error in '/Altiris/ITAnalytics/' Application.
Request timed out.


The processing of the cube needs more time to complete.


  1. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the Analysis Services host.
  2. In object explorer, right click the server name and choose edit properties.
  3. On the General page, enable “Show Advanced (All) Properties”.
  4. Increment the “ExternalCommandTimeout” parameter value. A value no higher than 360,000 is recommended. 

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Applies To

IT Analytics 7.x

Microsoft SQL Server 2008