Installed Software by Computer report times out
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Installed Software by Computer report times out


Article ID: 155359


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


When running the "Installed Software by Computer" report for all of the computers in your environment, the report timesout and displays an error message

The report execution time exceeded server timeout. Please refresh this page to retry. If the problem continues please contact your administrator


The main cause of the issue is the large amount of data that the report is attempting to retrieve. With all fields set to Wildcards, the amount of data to sift through can cause the timeout limit to be reached.


This report was revamped for 7.1 SP2, and we've had reports of greater success. If you are using an earlier version, or are still experiencing issues, you can use the below report:

Please create a Custom SQL Report which will return the required data and will not cause the timeout issue. The following SQL Query is an example of such a Custom Report:

i.Name AS [Computer Name],
sc.[Name] AS [Software Name],
vc.[Name] AS [Company]
FROM vSoftwareComponent sc
LEFT JOIN (ResourceAssociation ra
JOIN dbo.RM_ResourceCompany vc
ON vc.Guid = ra.ChildResourceGuid)
ON sc.Guid = ra.ParentResourceGuid
AND ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '292DBD81-1526-423A-AE6D-F44EB46C5B16'
LEFT JOIN dbo.Inv_InstalledSoftware iis
ON iis._SoftwareComponentGuid = sc.Guid
AND iis._ResourceGuid iS NOT NULL
AND iis.InstallFlag = 1
LEFT JOIN dbo.Inv_Software_Component isc
ON isc._ResourceGuid = sc.Guid
JOIN dbo.vComputerEx i
ON i.Guid = iis._ResourceGuid
--WHERE LOWER (i.Name) LIKE LOWER ('%Computer%') --Uncomment this if you wish to create a custom report which can filter the results based on a Query Parameter
WHERE sc.Name not like '%Altiris%'
AND sc.Name not like 'Security Update%'
AND sc.Name not like 'Hotfix for %'
AND sc.Name not like 'Update for %'
AND sc.Name not like '%.msu%'
AND sc.Name not like '%.exe%'
AND sc.Name not like '%.msi%'
AND sc.Name not like '%.msp%'
AND sc.Name not like ''
AND sc.Name not like ''
AND len(isnull([IP Address],'')) <> 0
and I.FQDN NOT IN (SELECT Name FROM vSource) --Remove this line should you wish to include the Notification Server in the report results

Applies To

Symantec Management Platform 7.x