Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers 6.0 console not accessible when SharePoint environment contains mirrored SQL database servers
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Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers 6.0 console not accessible when SharePoint environment contains mirrored SQL database servers


Article ID: 155598


Updated On:


Protection for SharePoint Servers


When Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers 6.0 is installed in a SharePoint environment with mirrored SQL database servers, the Protection for SharePoint Servers 6.0 console will be inaccessible through the Central Administration page and SPSS 6.0 will not work as expected.

"2011-11-30 11:40:44","(null)","-1","Error","Cannot open
database ""xxxxxxxxx"" requested by the login. The login failed. Login
failed for user 'DOMAIN\username.","   at
owningObject)    at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection
(DbConnection owningConnection)    at
outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)    at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()    at
objectType, String serverName)","DAL: GetSPSSObjectsData","SPSSDal"


This issue is caused by a Defect in Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers.  When a SQL database is configured as the mirrored (secondary) database, access to this database is not allowed.  The problem SPSS 6.0 in counters is that it is attempting to access this mirrored SQL database as if it is the primary database.


This issue has been addressed in 6.0.1 build of Symantec Protection for SharePoint Servers, which is currently available.  Note, if upgrading to SPSS 6.0.1 is not an option there is a patch that can be applied to the 6.0 build of SPSS.  Please contact Support regarding this patch. 

Applies To

SPSS 6.0
SharePoint 2010
Mirrored SQL database servers

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