"The data could not be loaded" error, unable to resolve or acknowledge alerts
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"The data could not be loaded" error, unable to resolve or acknowledge alerts


Article ID: 156627


Updated On:


Monitor Solution Monitor Solution for Servers


When attempting to view an alert's details, resolve an alert, or acknowledge an alert, a Data could not be loaded error occurs and the action does not take. This occurs for some alerts, but not all.



This behavior occurs if there is a SQL error in the process request. It has been observed that there is a mis-match in alert data in the CMDB which causes this error. To properly identify the point of failure in the SQL, the process attempt may need to be profiled, then further analysis performed in SQL.



Run the following SQL query against the CMDB to identify if there is a mis-match in alert data:

select * from ec_alert_pooled
where guid not in (
     select guid from ec_alert)

If rows are returned, then this issue is confirmed. Run the following SQL script to purge the orphaned rows:

delete from ec_alert_pooled
where guid not in (
     select guid from ec_alert)



Applies To

  • Event Console 8.x