How the user gets authenticated with SMS
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How the user gets authenticated with SMS


Article ID: 156906


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VIP Service


For SMS enabled phone numbers, the Credential Type, "SMS" associates the Phone number as a credential with the user's account. For a SMS credential, you can  enter a phone number including the Country Code. 


VIP can generate a security code and deliver it directly to a user's mobile phone using SMS (SMS OTP credentials).  It can also send directly to a user's phone using a voice call (Voice OTP credentials), or to your organization, allowing you to send it to the user in a manner of your choice (Service-generated OTP credentials). The user registers the phone number or other ID with VIP, which can then validate the security code.

The security code expiration sets the amount of time that a security code is valid after a user receives the security code in an SMS message.

For North America SMS - the SMS will come from SYMVIP.

For Other countries - the SMS message will usually come from a Toll Free number for that locality.

For more information, you can click on SMS Credential Settings under the Account Tab on the Right Hand Side pane in VIP manager to design the SMS messages that send information to your end users mobile devices.