"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" when opening the Symantec Scan Engine interface
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"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" when opening the Symantec Scan Engine interface


Article ID: 157051


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Protection Engine for Cloud Services Scan Engine AntiVirus for Caching Protection for SharePoint Servers Protection Engine for NAS


Symantec Scan Engine (SSE) itself working, according to the logs, just the Web-interface is not accessible.
Internet Explorer shows "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" when opening the Symantec Scan Engine interface.


Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Most likely causes
* You are not connected to the Internet
* The website might be encountering problems
* There might a typing error in the address

What you can try:
* Diagnose Connection Problems



Restarting the Symantec Scan Engine service may resolve the issue.