Messaging Gateway failed to deliver reports to down stream server
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Messaging Gateway failed to deliver reports to down stream server


Article ID: 157455


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Messaging Gateway


Messaging Gateway failed to deliver reports to down stream server.

1. You have configured a sender as a local sender under Administration>Reports. ( For example, if your domain is, your have configured sender as [email protected])

2. Your downstream server is configured not to accept email from senders that belongs to your local domain.

Dec 06 2012 13:39:26 [http-443-Processor14] WARN - An error was encountered while trying to email your report.  Please check the system configuration and try again.
com.***.****.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender


1. Login to Symantec Messaging Gateway, click Administration->Reports->Email send from, change it to be 'another domain';
2. If the above mentioned step didn't resolve the issue you can also check administrator email account listed under Administrator->Users->Administrators, change the email address of user to be 'another domain'