What is the difference between Files Scanned and Total Files Scanned
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What is the difference between Files Scanned and Total Files Scanned


Article ID: 157573


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Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection for SharePoint Servers Protection Engine for NAS


In Reports, under Statistics, there are:
- Total Files Scanned
- Files Scanned
What is the difference between the two?

In Monitors > Logging - the local logging is set to 'Verbose'

How does this relate to the 'Detailed' reports (under > Reports)


“Files Scanned” vs. “Total Files Scanned”

The number that makes up “Files Scanned” comes from:
a)    The number of files that are not a container file or not in a container file, and
b)    The number of files that are a container file (each container counts as one file).

The number that makes up “Total Files Scanned” consists of three elements:
a)    Every file that is NOT a container counts as one file
b)    Every file that IS  a container counts as one file
c)    Every file that is IN a container counts as one file.

Example: scanning two text files, and a zip file containing two text files result in an increase of:
3 for “Files Scanned”
5 for “Total Files scanned”

How do “Files Scanned” compared to “Total Files Scanned” relate to the 'Detailed' reports in the Reports section?
With the local logging level set to verbose, the Detailed report will be able to see the scan results for every file that is logged under “Files Scanned”.

Example: scanning two text files, and a zip file containing two text files results in three lines in the detailed report: one for each text file and one for the container. (There will be no lines in the detailed report for the files that are within the container file. This is by design).