Failed to read Xml file There is not enough disk space
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Failed to read Xml file There is not enough disk space


Article ID: 159001


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IT Management Suite


When launching the symantec installation manager you see the following messages: "Failed to read Xml file There is not enough disk space"

"Failed to read Xml file There is not enough disk space"


This issue can be cause by a couple of things.

1. When downloading a new PL file there is not enough disk space for the pl file.

2. When a new PL file has been downloads it is in a zip file called zip. When SIM runs if this file is extracted it will use the extracted file. If it is not it will look for the file in the zip file. If it has problems extracting the information from the zip file you will see the disk full error message.


Make sure that you have enough disk space.

If you have enough disk space then try extracting the file on another machine.

Then copy the extracted file to C:\Program Files\Altiris\Symantec Installation Manger\install\Altiris folder.

Since the file is already extracted SIM can read it and won't need to extract the file. I have seen issues with this when the zip file has been corrupted.

You could also try deleting it and let SIM try to download the file again.

Applies To

ITMS 7.5