Error: "RunProcess has failed with exit code: '1', error output: The handle is invalid" and CEM Internet gateway setup fails
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Error: "RunProcess has failed with exit code: '1', error output: The handle is invalid" and CEM Internet gateway setup fails


Article ID: 159058


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IT Management Suite


Cloud-enabled Management (CEM) Internet gateway setup fails to install and gives 'The handle is invalid' errors.

(Internet Gateway Manager) InternetGatewayManager.ServiceManager.RunProcess
RunProcess has failed with exit code: '1', error output: 'The handle is invalid.
The handle is invalid.
[Timestamp] [error] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified. : No installed service named "Symantec Management Platform Internet Gateway".
The handle is invalid.
(OS 10013)An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. : make_sock: could not bind to address <IP Address>:443
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Installing the Symantec Management Platform Internet Gateway service
The Symantec Management Platform Internet Gateway service is successfully installed.
Testing httpd.conf....
Errors reported here must be corrected before the service can be started.


(Internet Gateway Manager) InternetGatewayManager.ServiceManager.InstallService
InstallService via RunProcess has failed.


This issue happens when a service is already listening on port 443 when you try to install the internet gateway software. The software tries to bind to port 443 using Apache but fails because IIS (or another service) is already bound to that port.


You can use the program TCPView which is available as part of the Windows Sysinternals Suite to find out which programs are listening on port 443.

  1. Run TCPView
  2. Check the column labeled 'Local Port'
  3. Look for 'https'(Port 443)
  4. If there is a program listening on this port already this is the cause of the internet gateway software failure and the port will need to be released

In multiple cases where customers have installed and setup IIS to be bound to port 443 before setting up the gateway software, simply removing the binding for https in IIS has resolved this issue.