How to prepare queries based on date range in SCSP
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How to prepare queries based on date range in SCSP


Article ID: 159088


Updated On:


Critical System Protection Data Center Security Server Critical System Protection Client Edition Data Center Security Server Advanced


You want to run a query in scsp to show you events within a particular date range. You try to edit the existing query, but you get an error when you select the date range.


You need to create a new query, as follows.


1. From Reports-Queries, right click the Queries folder(or expand Queries
folder and right click on any folder you want), and click on New Query.

2. In the New Query Wizard, select 'Table', type a name to this new query,
and select Datasource as 'All Real-time Events'. Click Next.

3. On the next screen, add Agent Name, Event Date and any other columns.
you can also Add all Columns.. Click Next.

4. On the next screen, add filters as shown in the screenshot. Click Next.

5. Click Next and then Finish.

6. Run the query.