Could not load file or assembly 'Altiris.AssetControl' error is generated when editing or loading a 'Run SQL Query on Server' task
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Could not load file or assembly 'Altiris.AssetControl' error is generated when editing or loading a 'Run SQL Query on Server' task


Article ID: 159208


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


When you try to edit or run a 'Run SQL Query on Server' task while the Altiris Asset Management Solution is not installed you get an error that says "A critical error has occurred on this page. Check the Altiris logs for more information." 


(w3wp) Altiris.TaskManagement.UI.AltirisPageInstanceCachePage.OnAltirisPageInstanceCachePageError
Unhandled error
( Exception Details: Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXException: An unexpected exception has occured during CreateInstance. (Assembely:Altiris.AssetControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d516cb311cfb6e4f Type:Altiris.AssetControl.Operations.DisplayType.DatatableDisplayType) ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Altiris.AssetControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d516cb311cfb6e4f' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.



It seems that the 'Run SQL Query on Server' calls the assembly Altiris.AssetControl which is missing or broken once the Altiris Asset Management Solution is uninstalled



1. Install the Altiris Asset Management Solution using the Symantec Installation Manager. This should fix the issue and you will now be able to edit and run the 'Run SQL Query on Server' task.

2. If you do not want the Altiris Asset Management Solution installed you can BACKUP YOUR SQL DATABASE! and run the following query to cleanup the orphaned items from the database. This should also fix the issue.

* Please note that this query will break Asset Management if it is still installed! Also as a reminder again... MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR SQL DATABASE before running the query! *


delete from ClassBaseClass

where BaseClassGuid in

               select Guid
               from Class
               where Type like '%AssetControl%'
or ClassGuid in
               select Guid
               from Class
               where Type like '%AssetControl%'
--Delete from class next
delete from Class
where Type like '%AssetControl%'
