What are the parameters that determine how far apart EDM keyword matches can be in order to trigger a policy?
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What are the parameters that determine how far apart EDM keyword matches can be in order to trigger a policy?


Article ID: 159451


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When looking for two elements in a EDM, such as Name and SSN, what is the Symantec DLP setting that defines the proximity of EDM tokens to be considered a match?


The following settings in the Advanced Server Page determine the proximity of EDM tokens.
If this value is true, then DLP uses the token proximity check.
  • If EDM.RunProximityLogic = false it will match based on the entire document without proximity.
  • If EDM.RunProximityLogic = true it will only match within the proximity range.
  • The free-form (a.k.a. simple) text proximity is defined by EDM.SimpleTextProximityRadius setting.
  • The tabular text proximity is defined by belonging to the same table row.
This is the number of tokens to the left and to the right of the current token that are evaluated together when the proximity check is enabled.