Discover Target Remains In Starting State So Statistics Are Not Updated Yet Scan Detail Logs Show The Scan Is Running
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Discover Target Remains In Starting State So Statistics Are Not Updated Yet Scan Detail Logs Show The Scan Is Running


Article ID: 159460


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Network Discover


Target remains in starting state so statistics are not updated yet scan detail logs show the scan is running

Possible cause:

The status update messages from all the Discover Servers are coming in so fast that the Monitor Controller can't catch up. Each status update is persisted to the database, and this is not able to keep up with the incoming messages.


1. Go to the Enforce UI
2. Choose Overview, and select each Discover Server
3. Choose Advanced
4. Change Discover.PollInterval from 10000 (10 seconds) to 60000 (one minute).
5. Restart the Monitor service for that Discover Server

This will need to be done for *each* discover server.