Browser certification error - public keys in reply and keystore don't match
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Browser certification error - public keys in reply and keystore don't match


Article ID: 159484


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


Following instructions are also available in the Administration Guide during an attempt to establish a 3rd party certificate for the Enforce UI.

But this error, ""public keys in reply and keystore don't match", appears when running the last step which is importing the CA back into the original keystore file in tomcat.

keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore .keystore -trustcacerts -storepass <your password> -file <your filename>.cer



This resulted from a mismatch between the hash of the requested cert, and the originally generated (signed) certificate.


This means the details in the Private key (original to the self-signed certificate created) do not match the Public Key for which the customer's CA cert has been created.

-dname "cN=<your CN>, O=<your organization>, Ou=<your OU>, L=<your location>, S=<your state>, C=<your country>"

Ensure that CSR includes correct details for the certificate:

  • matching the company name exactly, otherwise the handshake will show a different size of the request when matched to the signed certificate.
    • e.g., appending "LLC" to the company name is enough to change the result.
    • In that situation, it is necessary to recreate the self-signed certificate and ensure that the -dname parameters match exactly those for which the certificate request is being made.
      • Note for examples of the steps required, search for "Create, sign, and import an SSL certificate signed by a Trusted Certificate Authority for the Enforce Server certificate"