How to globally filter specific SMTP messages
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How to globally filter specific SMTP messages


Article ID: 159758


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Data Loss Prevention Network Monitor Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Network Email


How can specific messages be filtered prior to being detected by policies?

This can be useful when certain emails sent to internal domains should be excluded from detection. 


DLP 15.8+ (Email Prevent and Network Monitor) 


An option is global SMTP filter.

Creating a global SMTP filter:

- Login as Administrator
- Go to System > Settings > Protocol
- Click on the SMTP protocol
- Expand "Filtering (may override at server level)" and go down to section "L7 recipient filter" where you can enter the filter.

+   means include ( and drop)
-    means exclude (and drop)
*    means drop 

Assure the services are restarted after making any changes to the Protocol. 


Sender: [email protected]

To drop this sender the following syntax should used:

[email protected], +*, *

The following syntax is incorrect as everything after * will be dropped.

+ *, [email protected] 

NOTE: L7 filters only affect network monitor servers.

Please also note: For SMTP the following applies.

  • L7 Sender Filter: Any sender email (for SMTP/MSN IM) or IP addresses (for UTCP), proxy-authenticated user names (for proxied HTTP/FTP), or user names (for AIM/Yahoo IM) to be evaluated

  • L7 Recipient Filter: Any recipient email (for SMTP/MSN IM/FTP) or IP addresses (for UTCP), user names (for Yahoo IM/AIM), or URLs (for HTTP) to be evaluated

You can use filters to include (inspect) or exclude (ignore) messages from specific senders and/or to specific recipients.

The specific filter syntax depends on the protocol.

For example, for email addresses, you can use wildcards anywhere in the filter string:

* - matches all email to/from

* - matches all email to/from any subdomains of

* - matches all email to/from any email address ending in

phil@<somedomain>.com - matches all email to/from [email protected].


You can add the following symbols to modify sender or recipient filters:

Plus sign (+)

Any email address mask preceded by a plus sign (+) keeps matching messages for inspection. For example, if you add the sender filter +*, all messages sent from anyone in the domain are inspected.

Minus sign (-)

Any email address mask preceded by a minus sign (-) excludes matching messages from inspection. For example, if you add the recipient filter -*, all messages sent to anyone in the domain are not inspected.

Asterisk (*)

If you add an asterisk (*) to the end of the filter expression, any message not explicitly matching any of the filter masks is ignored. For example, if you add the sender filter +*,*, all messages from anyone in the domain are inspected, but all other messages are ignored.

The order in which filters are evaluated is from left to right.

For example, if you add this recipient filter all messages sent to [email protected] are ignored, and all messages sent to anyone in the domain are inspected. (The last asterisk tells the filter to ignore all other messages.)

[email protected], +*,*

In this example, if the sender filter for a particular message evaluates as "inspect" and the recipient filter evaluates as "ignore", in the case of conflicting sender and recipient filters, the message result in such a case is ignored.

If you add multiple exclusion masks to a recipient filter, all message recipients must match any of the exclusion masks for the message to be excluded.

For example, if the recipient filter is all messages sent to and <anotherdomain>.com, domains are ignored; however, messages sent to either or <anotherdomain>.com (but not both) are inspected.

If messages have any additional recipients in other domains, the messages are inspected.

-*, -*@<anotherdomain>.com

You can monitor messages sent from the domain but ignore message sent to that domain by adding the following filters:

Sender Filter: +*, *

Recipient Filter: -*

Please note: The recipient filter only filters out messages where *all* the recipients (including cc and bcc) match a filter condition. 

Additional Information

SMTP recipient

Test Case 1
  smtp recipient filter:

[email protected], -*,-*<anotherdomain>.com

  Send email to bob and another user at  Email should be processed
  Send email to non-bob at and non-bob@<anotherdomain>.com Email should be dropped
  Send email to non-bob at and non-bob@<anotherdomain>.com and non-bob@<yetanotherdomain>.com. Email should be caught

Test Case 2
  smtp recipient filter:

[email protected], -*,-*<anotherdomain>.com,*

 Send email to non-bob at and non-bob@<anotherdomain>.com and non-bob@<yetanotherdomain>.com. Email should be dropped

Test Case 3
   smtp recipient filter:


   Send mail to [email protected].  Email should be caught
   Send mail to [email protected]. Email should be dropped

SMTP sender

Test Case 1
   smtp sender filter:

[email protected], -*,-*<yetanotherdomain>.com

Send email from bob and another user at  Email should be processed
Send email from non-bob at Email should be dropped
Send email from non-bob@<yetanotherdomain>.com. Email should be caught

Test Case 2
   Smtp sender filter:

[email protected], -*,-*<yetanotherdomain>.com,*

Send email from non-bob@<yetanotherdomain>.com. Email should be dropped

Test case 3
   Smtp sender filter:


Send mail from [email protected].  Email should be caught
Send mail from [email protected]. Email should be dropped

Test case 4
   Smtp sender filter:

[email protected],+*

Send mail from [email protected]. Email should be dropped
Send mail from [email protected]  Email should be caught
Send mail from bob@<yetanotherdomain>.com.  Email should be caught