I can't make a connection to the Data Insight Management server
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I can't make a connection to the Data Insight Management server


Article ID: 159765


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


In the Enforce manager I set the host name and port correctly for the Data Insight Management Server.

I can retrieve the certificate.

When I test the connection with a good certificate, I get a red banner with the error message:

"A connection could not be established to the specified server."


Check the tomcat/localhost log and look for an error message like,

INFO [com.vontu.matrixcommunication.LoginTester] testlogin request failed, hostname in certificate didn't match: <> != <hostname.example.com>

Where <> is the host name you entered and <hostname.example.com> is the value of the "CN" attribute in the certificate.

Change the "Host Name" to match the "CN" value and test the connection again.

If you can't make the "Host Name" match the "CN" value due to name resolution issues, you can turn off the host name validation check.  See KB KB159789 for details.