Can you exclude dummy values when using EDM?
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Can you exclude dummy values when using EDM?


Article ID: 159989


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Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention Network Monitor Data Loss Prevention Network Prevent for Email Data Loss Prevention Network Protect Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Discover


If you have records containing dummy values, for example, date of birth 00/00/0000 or SSN 000000000, can these values be excluded when running an EDM?  Perhaps something similar to: match name and SSN except when SSN =000000000, or Match name and DoB except when DoB = 00/00/0000


No, Symantec DLP cannot put in an exception for the 000000000 dummy values.

However, for number strings in Data Identifier format, such as SSNs, 000-00-0000 is not a valid SSN, and so will not trigger a match even in that context.