[archived]Restrictions for Using JCIFS for Discover scans
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[archived]Restrictions for Using JCIFS for Discover scans


Article ID: 160037


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Network Discover


Can JCIFS be used to collect files and share acls? What features are not available?


JCIFS can be used to collect files and share acls. However, there are some features not available when using JCIFS, such as:

  • File Owner is not recorded
  • Last-accessed date not reset. 


Note: Significant performance improvements were introduced in the mounter-based crawler, which is especially important for longer scans.  JCIFS do not have this increased performance benefit.

Note: Not available for NFS mounts or Novell Shares

Note: Starting with 12.0.1, the patched jCIFS can retrieve File Owner and reset Last-accessed date