Is a reboot necessary after upgrading, removing or reinstalling the Endpoint Agent?
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Is a reboot necessary after upgrading, removing or reinstalling the Endpoint Agent?


Article ID: 160210


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Discover


After upgrading the Endpoint Agent, do I need to reboot the agent machines for the changes to take effect?


There are four scenarios:

  • A reboot of the agent machine is NOT required for a major update.
  • A reboot MAY be required with an uninstall of a previous agent.
  • A reinstall of the same version of agent MAY require a reboot.
  • In the case of minor upgrade, for example, 16.0 to 16.0 MP1 we RECOMMEND a reboot because the drivers may need to be updated if we have fixed a critical issue.