Discover scan failing - Too many consecutive errors
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Discover scan failing - Too many consecutive errors


Article ID: 160312


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Data Loss Prevention Network Discover


Scan of network share stops before completing the scan. The following error appears: Failed to complete Share: \\share_name\ ; error: Too many consecutive errors.

Error: Too many consecutive errors.


Look for the file and open it with notepad or any other text editor.

# *****************************
# Settings used by the Crawler.
# *****************************

# The maximum number of consecutive errors before a share is abandoned.

You can increase this value as needed.

There is likely some sort of issue with part of the target causing the problem. Check the log for details.

You can also increase the logging levels. See Set the logging levels for DLP Network Discover.

In order to trouble-shoot crawler problems it is usually necessary to bump up the verbosity level(s) for the log files: Delete the logs (or simply move them). Locate the file (C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\DetectionServer\15.x\Protect\config\ and add the following lines:

java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = FINE

com.vontu.directorycrawler.level = FINE
com.vontu.filescan.RawFileInductor.level = FINE
com.vontu.directorycrawler.sharepointmapper.level = FINE 

Then restart the Symantec DLP Detection Server Service.

Typically, a scan will continue when errors are encountered, unless the scan consecutively hits the maximum number of errors defined in the "crawler.maximum.consecutive error" section of the file. Changing the Consecutive Error threshold can alleviate this problem. Go to the following directory:

For Windows:  Program Files\Symantec\DataLossProtection\DetectionServer\15.x\Protect\config\

For Linux: /opt/Symantec/DataLossProtection/DetectionServer/15.x/Protect/config/

Edit the following - increasing the number of consecutive errors.

# The maximum number of consecutive error before a share is abandoned.
crawler.maximum.consecutive.error = 100 (default value)