How can I dump the Endpoint Agent configuration for review?
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How can I dump the Endpoint Agent configuration for review?


Article ID: 160391


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Discover


How can I dump the Endpoint Agent configuration for further investigation?


DLP 15.8.x / 16.0.x

Windows / Mac OSX



Transfer vontu_sqlite3.exe to the endpoint machineThis tool is included with the Symantec_DLP_X.X_Agent_Win-IN package located on the Broadcom support portal (

To run this tool, copy vontu_sqlite3.exe into the Endpoint Agent directory where the ks.ead file is located.  The default path for windows endpoint agents is C:\Program Files\Manufacturer\Endpoint Agent

Open a command prompt, change directory to the Endpoint Agent directory and then execute:

vontu_sqlite3 -db=<database file> [-p=<password>]


vontu_sqlite3 -db=cg.ead -p=VontuStop

This will bring up a sql prompt from which sql commands may be executed. 

Run the following commands to dump all configuration settings to a file called cgdump.txt in the same directory.

.header on
.mode csv
.once cgdump.txt


Mac OSX:

Download the package from the Broadcom support portal. The vontu_sqlite3 tool is included in this package. Copy the tool to a temporary folder on the Mac system. Open a terminal window on the temporary folder and run the below command:

sudo chmod 755 vontu_sqlite3

Then copy the file to /Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint\ Agent/ folder.

Open a new terminal window for the Endpoint Agent folder and run the below command:

sudo ./vontu_sqlite3 -db=cg.ead -p=<Tools password>

At the sqlite prompt, run the following commands to dump all configuration settings to a file called cgdump.txt in the same directory.

.header on
.mode csv
.once cgdump.txt

The cgdump.txt contains all of the configuration data. Provide this .txt file to support as needed.